I love this man. He deserves the best and I am going to work on giving it to him. I have been slowly slipping into complacency and I have lost any humility I might have once had. Thus, I have decided to not eat chocolate for one whole year as a prayer for my husband and our marriage.( Unless charity requires it.) I am inspired by my friends Becca, Therese, and Trish who made similar sacrifices for their future spouses as they wait for prince charming to find them. It made me think “what do I do for my spouse now that I have found him?” My prayer is that we will grow closer as a couple and become more like God created us to be.
In other news, my baby girl is growing. She is awake more and we have so much fun making her smile real big. She just loves to move. I think she might be a little dancer someday. She is holding her head up like a pro and the pediatrician said she is ahead of her peers. Just gives us something to brag about. She constantly has her right hand on her face and head (this is also how she came out of the womb). She must really like it. We love love love her!
And here is the team at the last event for Seniors at the Peoria Chiefs baseball game! Notice Gianna's right hand.