Sunday, December 18, 2011
My Husband Is Brilliant
So Jacob and I have been working on having more childlike faith. The other night we got to talking about my desire for control and perfectness. These two things do not allow for childlike faith and actually put a lot of pressure on myself and others. Jacob pointed out how needy children are and how we are called to be SUPER needy with God. All through the day we should be whining and asking Him for things we need. If I am frustrated and have no patience, run to Jesus and beg Him for it. If I really want Gianna to take a nap and she just won't, then I should ask God to give me grace and peace in His plan. I know this might sound like the basics of faith but it was earth-shattering to me. Thank you Jacob for being a great leader of this home and always reminding me of the important things in life.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Happy Anniversary
Two years. The longest and shortest two years of my life. Thank you Jacob for being such a wonderful husband to me. I have witnessed you being a great son, friend, brother, uncle, employee, dad, son-in-law, brother-in-law, and husband. I love you in all your roles but especially as husband. You are faithful and generous and forgiving and strong and understanding and patient and loving. I don't deserve you but I am glad that God chose me to be so lucky.
And now I reminisce with pictures...
And now I reminisce with pictures...
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The first picture ever taken of us. |
I love love love our love! Thank you and Happy Anniversary Dear!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
So Much to Celebrate
In the months of November and December we have so much to celebrate and prepare for. Between Jacob and I's families, we have 5 birthdays and 2 Anniversaries. We have Advent to prepare for the coming of Christ, Thanksgiving, St. Nicholas Day, Immaculate Conception (today), of course Christmas Day, and New Years Day, which is also the feast of Mary, the Mother of God, then we have the Octave of Christmas, and Ty and Haven's new baby in January sometime! Phew.
Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Only in the Catholic faith do we celebrate when someone was conceived. I love it! Fr. Brownsey gave a great homily on this feast day last year. He was talking about how much we celebrate St. Patrick's Day (the patron of Ireland). He said the Immaculate Conception is the Patroness of the US and we should paint our faces blue and die the rivers blue and really celebrate the miracle of this woman who brought us the Savior!!! So we all had blueberry muffins this morning, we are wearing our blue today and we are going to celebrate our Mama. Not sure how, Jacob has a surprise planned. If you can believe that. He loves surprises.
For St. Nicholas Day we have started a tradition of making each other ornaments symbolizing something the other was "into" the past year. We started when we first started dating and we have acquired quite a few so far. It's always fun to see Jacob's perspective on my year! He's pretty good. I thought it would be fun to share them....
I made the ones on the left and Jacob made the ones on the right. I have improved over the years...
Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Only in the Catholic faith do we celebrate when someone was conceived. I love it! Fr. Brownsey gave a great homily on this feast day last year. He was talking about how much we celebrate St. Patrick's Day (the patron of Ireland). He said the Immaculate Conception is the Patroness of the US and we should paint our faces blue and die the rivers blue and really celebrate the miracle of this woman who brought us the Savior!!! So we all had blueberry muffins this morning, we are wearing our blue today and we are going to celebrate our Mama. Not sure how, Jacob has a surprise planned. If you can believe that. He loves surprises.
For St. Nicholas Day we have started a tradition of making each other ornaments symbolizing something the other was "into" the past year. We started when we first started dating and we have acquired quite a few so far. It's always fun to see Jacob's perspective on my year! He's pretty good. I thought it would be fun to share them....
I made the ones on the left and Jacob made the ones on the right. I have improved over the years...
We consecrated ourselves to Mary that year and the story of our love started. |
Jacob was into faith and how it relates to politics and I was getting ready for a wedding! |
Our Lady of Guadalupe of course and St. Gianna. And our precious little babe Joseph Emmanuel who we miscarried. |
Jacob was painting more and becoming a daddy and I was learning about Our Lady's domesticness. And Gianna was waving to everyone from the womb. |
Thursday, December 1, 2011
It's been a while since I blogged. My parents came to visit and we had a wonderful time and even went snow shoeing!!!
In other news, Jacob and I think Gianna is hitting her terrible twos. Yes she is only nine months. She is starting to be able to reach more and get into a lot! This morning she has dumped over the fruit bowl, whined about toys being taken away, crawled through a tiny spot, and eaten soap. All before 9am!!! I definitely need to watch her more closely now. But she is still a cute little sweetheart. And we love her dearly. Oh and jacob has got her imitating him smacking her lips! So cute. And she loves the 5 little ducks song, thanks to Grandma H.
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How cool are my parents? |
Seriously God, you really did a great job with those Rockies! |
Gianna prayed her Rosary on the roads up the mountain with no railings!! |
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And two of my favorite people! So beautiful! |
In other news, Jacob and I think Gianna is hitting her terrible twos. Yes she is only nine months. She is starting to be able to reach more and get into a lot! This morning she has dumped over the fruit bowl, whined about toys being taken away, crawled through a tiny spot, and eaten soap. All before 9am!!! I definitely need to watch her more closely now. But she is still a cute little sweetheart. And we love her dearly. Oh and jacob has got her imitating him smacking her lips! So cute. And she loves the 5 little ducks song, thanks to Grandma H.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The Little Things
I have been able to appreciate a few of the little things lately and I thought I would share.
First of all, yesterday Gianna started doing this hilarious thing. After Jacob or I would cough she would give a little fake cough. At first I thought it was coincidence than I waited, coughed again, and she would cough on cue. We tried to get it on video but by that time she was distracted by other things. And today she won't do it anymore. Hilarious!
A fun marriage story is that I always fold laundry which I actually love doing, but for some reason it bothered me that Jacob's socks were always inside out. Mom said she always considered that "one of the for worse's" and just put them right side out for dad. So I tried this for over a year and would get bitter about it every time So finally, I started just pairing them up leaving them inside out almost out of spite. Ha. Turns out that doesn't bother him at all. Peace in the house again.
I am not joking two days ago our neighbor mowed his lawn. Yesterday.....
I made mac and cheese and cheesecake the other day and they both turned out pretty swell. My cooking skills are developing!
First of all, yesterday Gianna started doing this hilarious thing. After Jacob or I would cough she would give a little fake cough. At first I thought it was coincidence than I waited, coughed again, and she would cough on cue. We tried to get it on video but by that time she was distracted by other things. And today she won't do it anymore. Hilarious!
A fun marriage story is that I always fold laundry which I actually love doing, but for some reason it bothered me that Jacob's socks were always inside out. Mom said she always considered that "one of the for worse's" and just put them right side out for dad. So I tried this for over a year and would get bitter about it every time So finally, I started just pairing them up leaving them inside out almost out of spite. Ha. Turns out that doesn't bother him at all. Peace in the house again.
I am not joking two days ago our neighbor mowed his lawn. Yesterday.....
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Way Behind
Not sure where to begin. It has been a long time! I had a great visit back in Indiana (Jacob tells me I am not allowed to call it home anymore). Rough adjustment but we have been married almost 2 years and I guess this is my home now. Old habits die hard though. That was home for 23 years!
We went to a beautiful wedding and a Baptism for baby Francis!
Gianna flew back to Colorado on the same plane as Papa and Geema and we had a nice but too short visit!
And finally I have to say that I have been re-motivated to learn how to cook. Jacob signed me up for a chili cook-off at his office for All Saints Day. I called up Shirley and she gave us tips for the number 1 (of 9) chili!!! That's right I got first place! I was shocked! I made cheesecake that turned out well this weekend too. I want my kids to say "Oh my mom makes the best...." someday.
We went to a beautiful wedding and a Baptism for baby Francis!
Then we were able to have some quality time with Cory and Marie. It never seems like enough time when I am with them.
Then of course time with grandma and grandpa. And my new sister-in-law Haven.
Reading the paper. Sorry grandma no pictures with you! |
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Ty's wife Haven and my nephew Sebastian showing his cheesey smile! |
We went to Hammond's candy store and tour! |
I love this picture. Papa and Gianna watching football at the pizza place!
And took them to our favorite view for sunset. |
Bella was Blessed Mother Teresa and Gianna was Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha |
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Little Pope
I was going to come here to blog about a hundred different things but just thought this was way better. I love this kid!
Little Pope
Little Pope
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Lesson In Confidence
When Jacob is in charge of dressing Gianna I never know what she might come out looking like. Sometimes he picks really cute things. Other times are a bit...well....sillier. For example:
Last weekend he found this outfit and she taught me a lesson in confidence. She didn't care what she looked like. She was still just her normal self. I was thinking about how often we worry about what we look like and feel insecure if we are having a "bad hair day". Who cares! Be yourself Gianna says.
We are going to give a pink bow for halloween and she will be adorable! I think Aunt Amber gave this to her! It's perfect! Thanks!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Francis John Heimann
A new nephew was born into this world last night! Francis John Heimann. Kyle and Kate's second baby. I had trouble getting to sleep last night, just thinking about this cute new babe. And I get to hold him this weekend!!! Kyle is suggesting Paco as a nickname. I like it although not sure how you get Paco from Francis. Kate likes Frank. And I am still proposing Fritz. (We had a great Uncle Francis who went by Fritz - I think he played the harmonica). But the parents would have to approve first.
Love you kiddo! Can't wait to see you in person!
Oct. 10, 2001
6 lbs. 14 oz
21 inches
We are so proud of you Kate!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Silver and Gold
This might be my first post without pictures. Gianna is not her normal photogenic self lately. She is wide awake ALL day and somewhat on the cranky side. Her new teeth are popping through and I think it is taking a toll on her.
I love google sometimes. Two nights ago I googled "recipe chicken broccoli" and I found a great stir fry recipe! I was pretty pleased with myself. Yummy!
Make New Friends but Keep the Old..
Last night Jacob and I were invited (by our parish) to a dinner for the Alternatives Pregnancy Centers. They have 9 locations in the Denver area and one mobile office that moves to different areas and college campuses. We were so excited to learn about the good that this organization is doing to battle the evil of abortion. And we also got to meet some more people from our new parish! We have a renewed zeal to find out other ways we can help with this important cause.
And today we are just having a relaxing Saturday and tonight we are making pizza for our new friends Angela and Brian and their two boys. I am SO excited to start entering into this new community! I am ready for friends! Tomorrow we are going to a baptism for Jacob's boss' baby girl! Starting to feel a little more like home. Just wish I could move all my favorite people out here....siiigh.
I love google sometimes. Two nights ago I googled "recipe chicken broccoli" and I found a great stir fry recipe! I was pretty pleased with myself. Yummy!
Make New Friends but Keep the Old..
Last night Jacob and I were invited (by our parish) to a dinner for the Alternatives Pregnancy Centers. They have 9 locations in the Denver area and one mobile office that moves to different areas and college campuses. We were so excited to learn about the good that this organization is doing to battle the evil of abortion. And we also got to meet some more people from our new parish! We have a renewed zeal to find out other ways we can help with this important cause.
And today we are just having a relaxing Saturday and tonight we are making pizza for our new friends Angela and Brian and their two boys. I am SO excited to start entering into this new community! I am ready for friends! Tomorrow we are going to a baptism for Jacob's boss' baby girl! Starting to feel a little more like home. Just wish I could move all my favorite people out here....siiigh.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Getting So Big
Gianna is now 7 months old and she is in charge. She is finally crawling on all fours instead of swimming on the floor. She has started to search out things to hold on to so she can stand up. It cracks me up because I am not expecting her to pop up on her piggies like that. And she is Miss Jabberjaws 2011.
And first a video: Saying Mom and Standing!
And first a video: Saying Mom and Standing!
All Clean! |
Skyping with Geema and Papa! |
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She looks so guilty |
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What a BIG girl! |
Friday, September 30, 2011
At Last
Here is the theme song for this post: At Last Please play as you read...
The story is too beautiful not to share. My brother Cory proposed to the love of his life last night, Marie. And I couldn't be happier! Eek. I can't stop the tears! Happy tears of course.
He had her meet him in the chapel where he was praying alone in front of Our Lord in the Eucharist. They prayed. He gave her some hydrangeas. The word hydrangea means vessel. He talked to her about how Mary was a vessel of Jesus and how much she has prayed for them in their courtship and led them to being better Christians. He proceded to ask her if she would be a vessel for his children someday and grow in relationship with the Lord together for the rest of their lives!
Then he placed this beautiful handcrafted ring on her wedding finger. A hydrangea flower with 3 petals symbolizing the trinity! Lift your jaw and check it out.
Two of my favorite people, soon to be one in some mysterious gift from God; the vocation of marriage! Love you two! Yeah, Gianna seems to make it into all our pictures these days.
The story is too beautiful not to share. My brother Cory proposed to the love of his life last night, Marie. And I couldn't be happier! Eek. I can't stop the tears! Happy tears of course.
He had her meet him in the chapel where he was praying alone in front of Our Lord in the Eucharist. They prayed. He gave her some hydrangeas. The word hydrangea means vessel. He talked to her about how Mary was a vessel of Jesus and how much she has prayed for them in their courtship and led them to being better Christians. He proceded to ask her if she would be a vessel for his children someday and grow in relationship with the Lord together for the rest of their lives!
Then he placed this beautiful handcrafted ring on her wedding finger. A hydrangea flower with 3 petals symbolizing the trinity! Lift your jaw and check it out.
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My most favorite picture of them. I mean doesn't it just look like Joseph and Mary? |
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The bride to be |
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The groom to be |
The happy couple |
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Garden Fresh And Sloppy Kisses
My husband is amazing. Have I mentioned that before? He has a beautiful garden going and this weekend he brought some fresh flowers into the house and they are absolutely beautiful. I love having them to look at.
Jacob likes to play with Gianna and sometimes he gets a little wet. The following is a snipit of his daily life.
And mom requested a picture of me. I was thinking about how Jacob and I never have pictures together anymore so we took one before our date on Saturday. Yes, I said date!
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From dirt... |
To decor! |
And mom requested a picture of me. I was thinking about how Jacob and I never have pictures together anymore so we took one before our date on Saturday. Yes, I said date!
Gianna has been sitting up more now AND she rode in a cart last weekend without her car seat for the first time! She wasn't sure what to think.
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